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Our Story

About the Bee Buddy

The Bee Buddy is the only inspection and extraction solution custom designed by a hobby beekeeper to meet the needs of a hobby beekeeper.


About Bee Buddy

Jessica Kate has been backyard Beekeeping for 5 years and learnt every beginner’s lesson the hard way.  


In 2020 she undertook a Certified qualification in Beekeeping and is passionate about sharing her experience with anyone keen to learn and wanting to get involved in the amazing experience that is Backyard Beekeeping.


Jessica is an expert at accidentally rotating Queens above the excluder, attracting Wax moth and extinguishing Smokers. 


The Bee Buddy came about when Jessica was unable to find suitable beekeeping equipment to address her needs.  So she decided to design her own and share it with others so everyone can benefit.


The Bee Buddy is in prototype development with Patent Pending.  Leave your email on the contact us page for updates and to be the first to hear Pre-sales and product launches.

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Custom designed by a hobby beekeeper to meet the needs of the hobby beekeeper

Removes the Occupational Health & Safety risk of weight handling during Inspection and extraction; simplifies inspections while protecting your Queen; easily removes harvesting activities from the Hive vicinity, improving safety and minimising loss of Bees & honey; stores honey in a sealed environment preventing moisture, wax moth & robbing; is compatible with all honey extraction methods

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